
FPS Update

Written by Admin | Aug 2, 2022 5:00:00 AM
This past Friday we announced our new Flight Attendant Promoter Score (FPS). While our results will be posted on a weekly basis, in order to provide a preview of how the scores will be presented, we updated the FPS ratings today in advance of the Friday update. FPS rating information will be updated again on Friday of this week.

This past Friday we announced our new Flight Attendant Promoter Score (FPS). While our results will be posted on a weekly basis, in order to provide a preview of how the scores will be presented, we updated the FPS ratings today in advance of the Friday update. As of today, the FPS score is -95%. FPS rating information will be updated again on Friday of this week.

We are asking United Flight Attendants for your feedback on how current management is doing in a number of areas that impact our Flight Attendant experience. FPS is calculated using a methodology based on standard NPS scoring. Your responses are anonymous.

You can choose a number between 0-10, with zero meaning you are strongly disappointed and 10 meaning you are highly satisfied. Flight Attendants who rate 9-10 are seen as promoters, those who rate 7-8 are seen as neutral or passive, and those who rate 0-6 are seen as detractors. The FPS score is the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors.

Each survey will run for a one-week period beginning and ending on Fridays, at which time a new l survey with identical statements will then open. We will update the FPS score once a week on our public AFAFPS website as well as We invite you to participate in each weekly survey and provide your continued and updated feedback.