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From Our Most Recent AFA Interactive

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APR 25 - AFA Leads International Delegation to Establish Global Aviation Workforce Standards and On the Hill This Week - Julie Su for Labor Secretary.

From Our Most Recent AFA Interactive


AFA Leads International Delegation to Establish Global Aviation Workforce Standards

This week in Geneva at the United Nations, historic negotiations will take place at the International Labor Organization (ILO) in an effort to establish the first ever international standards for aviation workers around the world. As a part of the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)—a federation of transportation unions around the world, AFA President Sara Nelson will serve as the spokesperson for the global group of workers in every job category.

The negotiations are tripartite (workers, employers, governments) and it will be no small task to reach conclusions that will serve as the basis for including aviation workers in long-established principles of labor rights defined at the ILO. The discussions this week include opportunities and challenges relating to recovery of the aviation industry beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, a just transition toward a green economy, and best practices in occupational safety and health and the promotion of decent work. The process will be intense and significant as worker rights must be protected in an evolving global industry.

It is an honor that our union is leading the talks on behalf of aviation labor around the globe. We will provide updates as talks progress this week.


On the Hill This Week

Labor Secretary: The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a confirmation hearing for Julie Su. The entire labor movement supports her confirmation and AFA sent a letter of support to the Committee before the hearing: “Julie Su is the most qualified candidate for this office since Frances Perkins. Serving 17 years as a civil rights attorney representing workers who are often invisible...We need a Labor Secretary who has a proven record of fighting for workers and defending our rights."

Su is currently Deputy Labor Secretary. Working people need a confirmed Labor Secretary to ensure our rights on the job are defended.