
How does Deadhead Deviation Impact Holiday Pay?

Written by Admin | Jul 3, 2020 5:00:00 AM
Section 3.I.. of our JCBA provides for deadheading as well as deviation from deadhead.  In particular, Section 3.I.13.provides us with the ability to Last Segment deadhead. 

Section 3.I.. of our JCBA provides for deadheading as well as deviation from deadhead.  In particular, Section 3.I.13.provides us with the ability to Last Segment deadhead.  A lineholder with prior notice and a Reserve with prior approval from Crew Scheduling, may elect not to fly on a scheduled deadhead segment.    If not, she/he may elect to:

  • Be released from duty, or
  • Deadhead on an earlier flight over the same routing if seats are available.  

When exercising either of these two options, the question becomes one of how each of these elections impacts holiday pay.

In a situation where a Flight Attendant provides the appropriate notice or receives permission to deviate and she/he requests the company modify her/his pairing to schedule them to return to base earlier than was scheduled in her/his original pairing, she/he will have her/his holiday pay recalculated using the formula outlined in Section 4.I based on the early return to base and reduction in her/his time away (TMA) from home.  Said another way, rescheduling to return home early reduces time away from home and can impact the total holiday pay associated with the pairing.

Should a Flight Attendant provide the appropriate notice or receive permission as a Reserve to be released from duty to deviate, she/he will be paid her/his holiday pay based on the originally scheduled time away (TMA) based on the original arrival of the return flight schedule, regardless of how that segment home actually operates.

If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council office.