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Human Rights and Equity Committee Pride Month Update

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JUN 18 - Our AFA Human Rights and Equality Committee would like to celebrate the month of June and share some current resources.

In the month of June we celebrate and recognize:

The LGBTQIA+ Community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and more!)

Our AFA Human Rights and Equality Committee would like to use this month to encourage our members to:

1) Familiarize themselves with the current issues that the LGBTQIA+ community encounters

2) Educate themselves on different groups within the LGBTQIA+ community, including lesser known identities like nonbinary and intersex genders. Encourage members to learn about the history and culture of other genders outside the male/female binary in cultures throughout the world

3) Support LGBTQIA+-owned business and charities

4) Attend a local Pride event

Action ideas for staying involved and showing support:

- Wear your LGBTQIA+ AFA Pin (New updated pin with inclusion design available—reach out to an officer at your local for how to get one)

- Learn about the history behind Pride, the LGBTQIA+ community and their history, including the Stonewall Uprising which occurred in June 1969

- Read Plane Queer, which includes many of our AFA LGBTQIA+ wins like domestic partner benefits

- Be an ally by listening to the voices and lives of non-white queer and trans folks, and be cognizant of your privilege

- Check out union and other related resources

Upcoming dates and events to keep on your calendar and put your support behind:

  • Month of June: LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, National Caribbean American Heritage Month
  • JUNE 18 - Father’s Day
  • JUNE 19 - Juneteenth (Federal Holiday)
  • JUNE 20 - World Refugee Day (UN)
  • JUNE 25 - March with AFA in NYC Pride
  • JUNE 26- The Hajj Begins; the annual pilgrimage that Muslims make to Makkah
  • JUNE 28 - Anniversary of Stonewall Uprising
  • JUNE 28-29- Eid Al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) celebrated by Muslims all over the world