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Improved CCS Sick Leave Options

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MAR 23 - Over the past several months, we have heard your frustration and concern in your reports of the long wait times to contact the Flight Attendant Support Team (FAST) to place yourself on sick leave status. In response to your concerns, we have been successful in our advocacy to United management that we find a solution that addresses these concerns.

Over the past several months, we have heard your frustration and concern in your reports of the long wait times to contact the Flight Attendant Support Team (FAST) to place yourself on sick leave status. In response to your concerns, we have been successful in our advocacy to United management that we find a solution that addresses these concerns.

Beginning today, Flight Attendants will have the ability to submit regular, paid sick leave requests through CCS automation instead of calling the FAST. Previously Flight Attendants who wished to use the automation on CCS were required to do so by 0900 the day before the assignment or reserve availability day. 

AFA and United have signed a Letter of Agreement to modify Section 13.B.1. that establishes new parameters for the use of the CCS Automation to place oneself on sick leave status. There are, however, some limitations to its use.

Our agreement will now allow us to place ourselves on sick leave status, using the automation up to 8 hours before departure time for the assignment (for lineholders) or anytime for a Reserve with a day of availability on their schedule. The following conditions will be applicable:

  • A lineholder with a pairing or a Reserve who picked up a pairing on a day off, with not less than 8 hours prior to the time of departure.
  • Reserve on a regular day of availability (or lineholder with RA/RX) – with no other codes on Master Schedule on that day of availability, can request at any time.
  • Reserve or lineholder on a CQ assignment – 8 hours prior to the start of training, or the departure time of the NRPS travel to the CQ assignment.

The following conditions will require a call to the FAST or a virtual chat to be placed on sick leave:

  • Use of FMLA
  • Use of Occupational sick leave
  • Call off of sick leave
  • Downline sick leave including sick while at training
  • Reserve who has received an assignment, including a Reserve day of availability with any type of code in their Master Schedule.

To use the new automated feature in CCS navigate to the link in the new Absences tab (formerly Leaves). CCS>Absences>Request Sick.