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As Flight Attendants we have a unique perspective. As aviation’s first responders we are trained to monitor and address situations throughout the course of our workday. The reports we file documenting our experiences and how they were responded to provide information necessary to make positive changes to our industry and to advance safety initiatives.


The two forms of reporting we utilize are ISAP (Inflight Safety Action Report) and IOR (Irregular Operations Report). The ISAP program provides Flight Attendants with a non-punitive and confidential resource to report a safety hazard or inadvertent violation of company polices or FARs (Federal Aviation Regulations).


An IOR is used to document any incident involving customers or crew members that is out of the ordinary and may require follow-up by the company or the FAA. Knowing which report to file ensures Flight Attendants are protected and that the provided information is directed to the correct review committees.


ISAP Report Examples:

  • Non-compliant LINK device
  • Incorrect Placarding
  • Failing to complete an exit row briefing prior to push back
  • Missing or incorrect safety equipment
  • Forgetting to disarm a door after arrival that is corrected by another Flight Attendant      (i.e. near miss)


IOR Examples

  • Passenger drinking from their own supply
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Smoking on board


All ISAP Reports are reviewed by the ISAP Event Review Committee (ERC) weekly. The ERC is made up of representatives from the AFA MEC Safety, Health & Security Committee, United Airlines representatives, and Representatives from the FAA. This ensures a transparent and thorough review by all included parties.


Flight Attendants are encouraged to review the ISAP Inflight Action Safety Program and utilize the reporting process appropriately to drive any needed changes to our safety culture.