
Issues Affecting Reserves ability to Ascertain Assignments for Sunday, 9/5/2021.

Written by Admin | Sep 4, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Sep 4 - We have been advised of some issues impacting the ability of Reserves, system-wide, to ascertain their assignments for tomorrow (Sunday, September 5, 2021) following completion of the 1930 assignment process.  Contact the Crew Desk to ascertain the information if you have a Reserve availability day on Sunday, September 5, 2021 and are unable to ascertain your assignment.

After receiving reports from several Local Councils, we have been advised by Crew Scheduling of some issues impacting the ability of Reserves, system-wide, to ascertain their assignments for tomorrow (Sunday, September 5, 2021) following completion of the 1930 assignment process.   While all indications are that the Reserve Preference process was completed as intended, the following issues have been identified with systems Reserves use to obtain their assignments as follows:

  1. Some Reserves are not appearing on the CCS Reserve Availability screen.
  2. The CCS Reserve Assigned screen “snapshot” view is not displaying any data.
  3. Reserves assigned to Ready status for the next day do not appear on CCS Reserve Assigned screen “realtime” view.
  4. No Ready Reserve acknowledgement messages sent in CCS.

It is our understanding these issues have been escalated to determine their source and for resolution.

In the meantime, Flight Attendants scheduled to be available on Reserve tomorrow, if unable to ascertain their assignment via automated means, are reminded they must contact the crew desk to ascertain the information, as required in Section 8.F.2. of the Contract.

If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council or Local Reserve Committee for assistance.