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January 2022 Semi-Annual System Seniority List Published

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JAN 21 - You will have a maximum of thirty (30) calendar days from January 26, 2022, to dispute any alleged omission or error that affects your seniority. 

The January 2022 Semi-Annual System Seniority List is now published on the company’s website.  As provided in our Contract under Section 14.C., this list shall be made available at all stations where Flight Attendants are based for their review.  This list can also be found in Flying Together under Inflight>Crew Scheduling>Semi-Annual System Seniority List.

To ensure all Flight Attendants have the ability to dispute any error or omission affecting their seniority and to clearly understand the timeline for such a challenge, the company will post a notice to Flight Attendants advising them of the availability of the list.  This notice starts the official 30-day period during which you must submit any error or omission in the information contained on that list.

You will have a maximum of thirty (30) calendar days from January 26, 2022, to dispute any alleged omission or error that affects your seniority.  The only exceptions to the 30-day rule are the following:

  • Flight attendants on vacation at the time of the posting
  • Flight attendants on Leave of Absence at the time of the posting
  • Flight attendants on furlough at the time of posting
  • Flight attendants on sick leave at the time of posting

In those situations, the Flight Attendant must report discrepancies no more than 30 days after returning to flight duty.

The procedures outlined in Section 23, paragraph C is the exclusive method for handling of protests concerning seniority.  If you believe there is an error or omission that affects your seniority, please contact the Office of the United MEC Secretary-Treasurer immediately to enable research on the issue to begin immediately.  

Additional information is available in our Contract under Section 14 and on our website at