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January is National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month

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JAN 10 - As Flight Attendants, we are uniquely positioned to identify human traffickers and assist their victims. Flight crews are skilled observers, and with appropriate training, they can be the frontline against trafficking, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP).

We can take a stand against human trafficking by recommitting ourselves to end it on our planes with our participation in The Blue Campaign. 

The Blue Campaign is a national public awareness maneuver designed to educate the public, law enforcement and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases.

As Flight Attendants, we are uniquely positioned to identify human traffickers and assist their victims. Flight crews are skilled observers, and with appropriate training, they can be the frontline against trafficking, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP).  Indicators of human trafficking can include:

  • Physical control of travel documents of an adult traveler by a co-traveler.
  • Restricting the movement and social interaction of an adult traveler by a co-traveler.
  • An adult traveler who is unclear on details of his/her final destination or point of contact.
  • Or a child traveler who appears to be accompanied by someone claiming to be the parent or guardian who is in fact not related to the child.

Wear Blue on January 11!

All over the world people will be wearing blue articles of clothing, January 11, in observance of the third annual #WearBlueDay to encourage greater public awareness about the scourge of human trafficking.

Want to participate? Here's how:

  • Post a photo of yourself and others on social media wearing blue with hashtags#WearBlueDayand when tweeting tag @afa_cwa
  • Finish the statement #WeWearBlueBecause to share why you are participating 

Human trafficking is a billion-dollar business, but Flight Attendants can be 100,000 Eyes in the Skies to recognize and report it. We can be the ones to make the difference.

To learn more about Human Trafficking, go to for more information. 

Also, Download and print the AFA/Department of Homeland Security's Guide to Recognize and Report Suspected Human Trafficking.