
JCBA Section 5 – Hotel Rooms for Layovers and Sits in Excess of Four (4) Hours

Written by Admin | Jun 23, 2018 5:00:00 AM
Flight Attendants are provided hotel rooms under the following circumstances. 

MEC Grievance Committee  

Flight Attendants are provided hotel rooms under the following circumstances:

  • Whenever scheduled at a layover station in excess of four (4) hours, or
  • Whenever delayed at a layover station for fours (4) hours or more from the time the delay in known, or
  • After reporting for duty at the home domicile, there is a delay of four (4) hours or more from the time the delay is known.
  • Flight Attendants are provided hotel rooms in accordance with the provisions of Section 28.E.5, that is, to a lineholder Flight

Attendant who commutes by air and is in compliance with the Commuter Program provisions of the Contract and receives no immediate reassignment or who received an assignment more than five (5) hours at her/his base.

It is important to understand that the requirement for a hotel does not apply when there is a “creeping delay” nor does it apply when a layover of less than four (4) hours is pre-scheduled in a Flight Attendant’s pairing and later becomes a layover of four (4) hours or more as the result of an early arrival of one of the flights in the pairing.

If you have additional questions, contact your Local Council Office.