
Jetway Trading from Former Bases at FRA, HKG and NRT

Written by Admin | Dec 1, 2022 6:00:00 AM
We are happy to share that United management has agreed, on a trial basis through February 2023, to allow jetway trades from FRA, HKG and NRT subject to the following terms...
Under the provisions of Section 7.P., jetway trades from FRA, HKG and NRT were allowed while these locations were Flight Attendant domiciles. Given the large number of Flight Attendants commuting to the United States from these former Domiciles, as provided for in the Jetway Trade Expansion Letter of Agreement (LOA #20), AFA and United management entered into discussions to determine whether jetway trading could be expanded at these international locations. 

We are happy to share that United management has agreed, on a trial basis through February 2023, to allow jetway trades from FRA, HKG and NRT subject to the following terms:


  1. Both flight attendants must adhere to all of the terms of Section 7.P. of the Agreement, with particular attention to 7.P.1., 7.P.2., 7.P.3. and 7.P.4. in order to ensure operational integrity;
  2. The trial will run through the February 2023 bid month, unless we begin to experience operational disruptions due to Jetway Trades in these locations, in which case the company reserves the right to immediately cancel the trial, with notice to the Association;
  3. Commencing with the March 2023 bid month, and assuming that the trial is not canceled in the interim, we will continue to allow Jetway Trades from FRA, NRT and HKG on on-going basis, however the company reserves the right to cancel Jetway Trades from FRA, NRT and HKG should we begin to experience operations disruptions due to Jetway Trades in these locations;
  4. Except for the expansion of Jetway Trades to FRA, NRT and HKG, according to the terms of this agreement, the other terms of Section 7.P. and the JCBA remain unchanged;
  5. The terms of this agreement are without precedent, practice or prejudice to any future situation.