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Join Ken Diaz and John Slater on April 19, 2018 in EWR

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We invite you to join United AFA MEC President, Ken Diaz and Inflight Services Vice President of Operations, John Slater, in EWR on April 19, 2018 to get answers to questions and to have your concerns addressed in a town hall forum. 

We invite you to join United AFA MEC President, Ken Diaz and Inflight Services Vice President of Operations, John Slater, in EWR on April 19, 2018 to get answers to questions and to have your concerns addressed in a town hall forum. 

The meeting will be conducted in the Newark domicile:

April 19, 2018

Newark Inflight

3:00 pm to 7:00 pm

These roadshow events will be held in a casual group setting that is intended to encourage open dialogue, facilitate conversation and create yet another opportunity for Members to receive information directly from company and Union leadership.