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Keep Discussion of Negotiations Off Social Media – Management is Watching

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FEB 10 - When we publicly discuss and comment on what is important to us during negotiations, management sees it and will not hesitate to use that information against us.

Our quarterly comprehensive negotiations update, ON THE LINE, should be arriving to your address of record soon, if it hasn’t already. This inaugural issue provides the first comprehensive side-by-side comparison of proposals. The status of proposals will evolve as negotiations continue and will be summarized through each quarterly update.

With the release of the first comprehensive negotiations update on the status of proposals, it’s important to remind each other not to use social media to discuss our negotiations. Debate of our priorities for negotiations on social media only serves to divide us and empowers management.  Management has a large presence on social media and is constantly monitoring every platform for ways to gain an edge. When we publicly discuss and comment on what is important to us during negotiations, management sees it and will not hesitate to use that information against us.

InfoReps are volunteers who support our two-way communication structure between every Member and our Negotiating Committee. InfoReps will spread the facts, combat rumors, and will ensure your feedback makes it to our Negotiating Committee. Another resource available to you is your Local Council.  They too, will make sure that your feedback gets to the Negotiating Committee. 

As we engage with each other, let’s continue to stand together and not use social media to discuss our negotiations – management is watching.  We cannot allow or afford to give management a view into our Flight Attendant community.

For that latest updates about our Contract 2021 Negotiations and to access our video resource library visit