
L.O.V.E Letters to Management Campaign - Letting. Our. Voice. Empower

Written by Admin | Jan 12, 2024 8:30:00 PM

L.O.V.E Letters is our latest initiative to drive home the priorities you have identified related to the pace of Contract Negotiations and what an industry-leading Contract looks like with United management.

In the weeks leading up to our worldwide Day of Action on February 13th, InfoReps at the Local Councils will be conducting terminal walks, and providing cards for Members to sign to voice our displeasure at management's behavior.

To provide all Members with an opportunity to participate, you can sign a card in person with an InfoRep or participate online by signing a digital card that will be printed for you.

The campaign will run up to the Day of Action on February 13th and will be delivered by the Master Executive Council to Willis Tower on Valentine’s Day.

It’s no longer a conversation with management; we are setting our expectations for an industry-leading contract NOW.

Sign your digital card today and join us on the picket line on February 13th as we come together to battle corporate greed.