
Labor Day Message

Written by Admin | Sep 5, 2020 5:00:00 AM
The first Monday in September is the day we set aside in the United States to honor the contributions of workers to the strength and prosperity of our country. 

The first Monday in September is the day we set aside in the United States to honor the contributions of workers to the strength and prosperity of our country. This year, unlike any other in the history of our country, with many workers unable to go to work because of the impact of the pandemic on so many industries, including our own, we view the holiday through a very different prism, with a new set of eyes and heightened value of our work. It’s true what they say, we tend not to value that which we have until we see it at risk.

At the same time, we see that our ability to weather this storm and make it through to the safe harbors on the other side of the storm is dependent like never before on our ability to come together in support of each other. We must renew that sense of solidarity during this time when health and safety protocols suggest we should be socially distancing ourselves from each other.

Together, while we are relying on each other and supporting each other through our voluntary furlough and furlough mitigation partnership programs within the framework of our workgroup, we must also come together to encourage our leaders in Washington to come together, complete their work and put together a plan that will ultimately benefit our local and world economies during this difficult time. We are all depending on Congress to act in the best interest of the people, indeed the workers, of this country and ultimately, the overall economic health and viability of our country. We must continue to assure them that doing so is the right thing to do and in everyone’s best interest and ensure they hear us tell them that we support their decision making in doing so.

As we take time to celebrate the fruits of our labor and solidarity with family and friends, let us be grateful to those of us who will have the opportunity to facilitate what we expect will be non-traditional celebrations of the end of the summer. Let us celebrate this Labor Day with a renewed sense of the value of our work and the contributions each of us makes to the essential profession we call our own.

On behalf of the United Master Executive Council and all of our Union volunteers who work tirelessly in the service of our Members, know that we wish you all a safe and relaxing Labor Day Holiday weekend.