
Line Operations Safety Assessment (LOSA) Program versus Service Line Checks

Written by Admin | Jun 11, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Jun 11 - As with LOSA, the Service Line Check program is non-punitive.  However, unlike LOSA, the Service Line Check is not voluntary and is not conducted by peers.

MEC Safety Health and Security Committee

In recent days we’ve fielded a number of questions suggesting there is some confusion about the differences between the Line Operations Safety Assessment (LOSA) program and the Service Line Check Program both of which have recently been promoted through Inflight communications.  While the objectives of these programs are accomplished through observations, that’s where the similarities end.

The LOSA program, developed jointly by AFA, ALPA and management, collects safety data exclusively.  LOSA observations are confidential, non-punitive, anonymous and voluntary.

The Service Line Check Program, on the other hand, is company directed and focuses entirely on collecting service data.  The Service Line Check program was developed without Union involvement and has been implemented solely by management.

As with LOSA, the Service Line Check program is non-punitive.  However, unlike LOSA, the Service Line Check is not voluntary and is not conducted by peers.

Most importantly, Flight Attendants should know, as designed, a LOSA and a Service Line Check should never occur on the same flight segment.  If this happens, please advise the LOSA observer for resolution.