
Line Trade and Reserve Restoration of Days Off

Written by Admin | Mar 26, 2021 5:00:00 AM
Mar 26 - We have received questions from some Flight Attendants about the proper sequence that should be used when completing a line trade involving a Reserve schedule having more than the Contractual minimum twelve (12) days off and when there is a desire to restore Reserve days of availability and the corresponding Reserve minimum guarantee.


We have received questions from some Flight Attendants about the proper sequence that should be used when completing a line trade involving a Reserve schedule having more than the Contractual minimum twelve (12) days off and when there is a desire to restore Reserve days of availability and the corresponding Reserve minimum guarantee.

While at one point we thought it would be possible to trade the line after restoring the Reserve days of availability, we are learning that the established automation processes do not support the line trade after the days of availability have been restored.  The system does not recognize the line as a “clean” line and therefore, the trade cannot be processed.

For this reason, when trading a Reserve schedule having more than twelve (12) days where you also plan to restore Reserve days of availability, you should trade first and then restore days of availability within the time frame required by the contract – no later than three (3) days prior to the schedule change.

As an additional reminder on line trades, Flight Attendants must be in the same base to be awarded a line trade.