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Local ISAP Event Review Committee Meetings Coming to Your Base

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APR 11 - The United Airlines' Inflight Safety Action Program (ISAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) is traveling throughout this system and holding open meetings so you can see what happens to your safety reports.

The United Airlines' Inflight Safety Action Program (ISAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) is traveling throughout this system and holding open meetings so you can see what happens to your safety reports.

The ISAP is a non-punitive, voluntary safety program that aims to identify and resolve safety concerns and hazards. It is a partnership between the FAA, United Airlines, and the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA).

Flight Attendants are welcome to drop in anytime during the review meeting hours to meet with the ERC and learn about the valuable information that they are sharing. Look out for upcoming dates and locations in your Local Council newsletters.

The following are the upcoming dates and locations for the meetings: May 9, 2023, in LAS and June 7, 2023, in LHR with more dates and locations coming soon. Join the ERC meetings and play your part in ensuring the safety of all United Airlines passengers and crew.