
Loud and Proud – Day of Action Success!

Written by Admin | Apr 12, 2024 6:02:00 PM

On Thursday, April 11th, we gathered in the thousands for our system-wide picketing event, delivering our message loud and clear. It is time for management to address our priorities in an Industry-Leading Contract that we have rightfully earned.

 Corporate greed has taken precedence over our quality of life for far too long. While management proceeds with their delay tactics at the table, United executives are receiving double-digit compensation increases from 2023, according to the airlines’ proxy statement. Our CEO’s compensation alone increased by 90%. Meanwhile, Flight Attendants at United have not seen a raise in over 2 years through record-breaking travel and profits.

The lack of consideration of our contributions is staggering. We are safety professionals, the face of United, and the backbone of this airline. We worked through the pandemic after years of austerity following 9/11 and massive consolidation. The improvements due now are significant.

We will continue to stand together, with one voice demanding what we deserve. With our collective solidarity, we will continue to strengthen our momentum as we fight for our future.