
Mandatory Meetings for New Hire (Probationary) Flight Attendants

Written by Admin | May 13, 2022 5:00:00 AM
MAY 13 - As our newest flying partners progress into their careers as Flight Attendants, we are learning of a number of issues that might impede the natural progression and success of these new hires as they work to meet their obligation to attend mandatory meetings with their supervisors.

As our newest flying partners progress into their careers as Flight Attendants, we are learning of a number of issues that might impede the natural progression and success of these new hires as they work to meet their obligation to attend mandatory meetings with their supervisors.

In some cases, we have heard that our probationary Flight Attendants are being offered a limited choice of days on which to schedule their mandatory meetings. As a reminder, Flight Attendants on Reserve status are Contractually guaranteed a minimum of 12 days off each month. Additionally, if a meeting is scheduled on a Reserve day of availability, and the probationary Flight Attendant is subsequently assigned or reassigned on those days for a trip, it is incumbent upon management to work with them to find a time to meet that doesn’t conflict with their days off or when they’re away from the base on an assignment.  In some cases, given the limited availability of dates, it may well be management’s responsibility to provide alternate dates upon which the meeting can be rescheduled.

If you have concerns or an issue in meeting your obligations in this regard, please reach out to your Local Council for assistance on working through the issue in a positive manner.