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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – January 16

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JAN 12 - January 16, 2023 is a United States Federal holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as a leader, a pioneer for diversity, and an advocate for labor. Dr. King not only promoted workers’ rights as human rights but also insisted that equality must include an equal voice. 

January 16, 2023 is a United States Federal holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as a leader, a pioneer for diversity, and an advocate for labor. Dr. King not only promoted workers’ rights as human rights but also insisted that equality must include an equal voice. 

In our country, many have struggled to be included in the promise of our nation during these unjust times where many were excluded. Recent events in communities across our nation have unveiled how discrimination, inequality, and lack of justice are still prevalent.

Dr. King’s legacy is a model for overcoming great challenges by building a movement for change through the power of the collective. In addition to being a heroic champion for civil rights, Dr. King fought diligently for decent wages, fair working conditions, health and welfare measures, and respect for the individual. By recognizing social and economic justice as one and the same, Dr. King understood the immense power working people have when they come together. He saw union representation as the clearest path out of poverty and into the middle class and fought for the rights of all people to have good jobs and a voice at work.

On this anniversary of Dr. King’s death, we carry forward his legacy and continue working toward his dream of a fairer and more just society. AFA continues seeking to honor Dr. King every day by promoting collective bargaining and remaining resolute in demanding equality for all.