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Maternity, Parental & Adoption Leave

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APR 1 - United Flight Attendants who may be expecting or planning to have a child naturally or via adoption should be aware, that under the terms of our Contract, we have industry-leading optional time-off provisions. 

United Flight Attendants who may be expecting or planning to have a child naturally or via adoption should be aware, that under the terms of our Contract, we have industry-leading optional time-off provisions.  Maternity, Parental and Adoption leaves of absence all provide the option to take up to 12 months away to spend time with the newest members of our family.

For more information, refer to Section 15 (pages 150-151) and, more specifically, Section 15.N. (the chart on pages 156-157) for additional information.  In addition, we also recommend a full review of the provisions arising from the Resolution of MEC 1-18 – Maternity Leave Dispute for more details.