
MEC Communications Training

Written by Admin | Feb 29, 2024 9:27:00 PM

Tuesday, February 27th Local Council Leadership and volunteers arrived in Chicago to attend the annual Communications Training facilitated by the MEC Communications Committee.

The Communications Committee developed a two-day training to work with Local Council Committee Members on communication strategies revolving around the core mission of education, empowerment, and access.

The training consisted of a review of our Union’s communication structure, Local Council Communications Committee responsibilities, writing skills, enhancing our message through social media platforms, photography, videography, graphics, content building, and media relations.

Upon completion of the training, volunteers will bring their skill sets back to their Local Councils to continue supporting Members and sharing the voice of our Union.

Thank you to all the attendees who have taken time away from their personal lives to become subject matter experts. If you are interested in becoming a part of a Local Committee, contact your Local Council leadership to get involved today!