
MEC Employee Assistance Program 2023 Training

Written by Admin | Nov 16, 2023 6:18:00 PM

This past week, 14 Local Council EAP Chairpersons from around the system attended our MEC Annual EAP/Professional Standards Training in Chicago.

Training featured keynote speakers including the AFA International EAP/Professional Standards Director and our specially trained FADAP Coordinator. In addition, they had representatives from company EAP and additional fatigue training from our Central Scheduling Committee Chairperson.

Your Local Council EAP/Professional Standards Committee volunteers continue to acquire additional skills and resources to better equip them in meeting the unique needs of Flight Attendants.

We sincerely thank these hard-working volunteers for their dedication in service to their fellow Flying Partners. If you are interested in learning more about the resources available through EAP/Professional Standards please contact your local council.