
MEC Grievance Training

Written by Admin | Mar 14, 2024 5:55:00 PM

Last week, the United MEC Grievance Committee hosted their annual training in Rosemont, IL.

The two-day training was broken into an initial training session for advocates as an introduction to the grievance process and Member representation. Day two focused on advanced training developed for Grievance Representatives currently serving on their Local Committees to further enhance their skill sets and an opportunity to collaborate in person with the MEC Grievance Committee.

Attendees received guidance in both discipline and contract grievances and how the committee serves the Members at the Local Councils. Participants also had the opportunity to work with our AFA Legal team and gain further insight into the process while debunking misinformation about the representation process.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all the advocates who took time away from their lives to join this committee in service of their fellow Flight Attendants. If you are interested in getting involved and serving on a Local Council Committee, please reach out to your Local Council leadership.