
MEC Meeting Concludes

Written by Admin | Nov 24, 2020 6:00:00 AM
The United Master Executive Council conducted our virtual Fall 2020 Regular Meeting this week on November 19 and 20, 2020. Meeting summaries are available on our website.

 The United Master Executive Council conducted our virtual Fall 2020 Regular Meeting this week on November 19 and 20, 2020. Meeting summaries are available on our website.

During the course of business, the MEC received updates from the MEC President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer while our MEC Government Affairs and Membership Engagement Committees provided annual reports. In closed sessions held on each of the afternoons, the MEC received an update from our Negotiating Committee and engaged in Open Discussion to review and debate on a number of topics relevant to individual Councils and issues import our membership as a whole.  

Consistent in the discussions on all topics, the MEC Officers and Local Council Presidents, over and over, reiterated their resolve and commitment to the thousands of involuntary furloughed Flight Attendants, and thousands of Flight Attendants on IVFMP, and our solidarity to the Flight Attendants affected by the International Base Closures, and Surplus in GUM.

Elections were conducted for the MEC Central Schedule, Communications Committee and

Daily Summaries are available on our website.