
MEC Safety, Health & Security Training Commences

Written by Admin | Aug 22, 2024 7:34:35 PM

This week, the United MEC Safety, Health, and Security Committee hosted its annual training in Rosemont, Illinois.


The three-day training was broken into an initial training session for advocates as an introduction to the safety reporting process and overview of the committee. Day two focused on resources used by the committee to find more information, assist with safety reporting forms, and utilizing other committees across our Union. The final day included IOR review procedures, understanding the ISAP process, and FRMP current challenges.


Attendees received guidance in responding to safety, health, and security matters and advocacy for all related issues that arise. The knowledge and skills they received during training will help to support our mission of safety for both our fellow flying partners and the traveling public, upholding the culture of safety in our profession.


We appreciate all the volunteers who dedicated their time to join this committee and serve their fellow Flight Attendants. If you're interested in getting involved and serving on a Local Council Committee, please contact your Local AFA Council.