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Monthly Schedules and the Role of the AFA Central Schedule Committee

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Our Contract provides a unique protection associated with the development of our schedules.

The AFA Central Schedule Committee consists of AFA Members elected from Local Councils around our system, all with a variety of Flight Attendant experience ranging from Reserve to lineholder, domestic and international with years of experience in the profession.

Our Contract requires the Union Schedule Committee to take part in development of our monthly schedules. Often, we only ever see the good work that our flying partners do during this process because their work not only ensures our compliance with our Contract but also yields improvements to the pairings prior to being given to the AFA Local Schedule Committees, all of whom build our schedules within the utilization parameters set forth by the company.

Based on their role in the schedule development process, advocacy for changes or improvements necessary to address Flight Attendant quality of work life issues is essential. The advocacy of CSC Members focuses on schedule integrity benefiting both Flight Attendants and the operation of our airline.   

AFA representation in this process improves our career experience and quality of life and we consistently work to resolve issues to our satisfaction. Your reports from the operation provide one of the most effective means of supporting our advocacy.

Every Member can keep closely informed on the committee's efforts by reading the reports that are published twice monthly on our website. These reports provide an update on current schedule issues, flight schedule changes, decisions about management’s allocation of flying, transfer information, Contractual enforcement initiatives as well as the Committee advocacy in each of these areas.

For more on Monthly Schedules and the role of the AFA Central Schedule Committee, please visit our website at