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My Union-AFA-Speaks for Me!

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JUL 22 - On July 15, John Slater distributed a communication entitled “Setting the Record Straight.”  Your response was nothing short of inspirational. We always want to hear from our Members and appreciate the shout out. To share just a few Member responses that were emailed to us...

On July 15, John Slater distributed a communication entitled “Setting the Record Straight.”

In his message John wrote, “We encourage all our Flight Attendants, including those who signed their recent “Focus on Us” petition, to make their voices heard by letting President Ken Diaz and your Local Council Presidents know it’s time to work together and focus on you.

Your response was nothing short of inspirational. We always want to hear from our Members and appreciate the shout out. To share just a few Member responses that were emailed to us:

  • “How about the company ‘PAY’ us our hourly wage for the time we spend waiting on hold.”
  • “Management is looking for concessions, that is their intent. No concessions, only improvements.”
  • “Thank you for not accepting concessions to the reassignment language. Concessions are not a solution.”
  • “Mr. Slater says things in his email that are simply not true! He acts like these problems are new or a result of schedule changes or storms in Newark and that is simply not true. These problems have been going on for a long time!”
  • “He is trying to divide us and turn people against the Union.”

The response on social media echoed these same sentiments as Flight Attendants across multiple platforms created and began trending: “My Union-AFA- speaks for me!

Given the backdrop of our Section 6 negotiations, it’s clear you expect solutions and improvements and are not at all interested in concessions. As we’ve been communicating with you, our Focus on Us campaign was just the beginning. There is more to come, and we will continue to escalate the pressure to focus your voice to management.