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National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

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Flight Attendants experience the world in a unique way. In our role as safety professionals, we are rewarded with unprecedented access to locations around the globe. 

In experiencing the beauty of our surroundings, it can be easy to overlook some of the horrors still prevalent around the world today. Modern-day slavery, fueled by human trafficking, is still plaguing countless individuals. From 2008-2019 this global crisis has more than quadrupled. 

Human trafficking is conducted in many ways, including in the skies. Flight Attendants are aviation's last line of defense. Our profession requires us to constantly remain vigilant. We are prepared for every possible situation, from identifying potential threats on board the aircraft to monitoring for human trafficking.

AFA Flight Attendants represent more than 50,000 pairs of eyes in the sky. When we turn our gaze in service to combat modern-day slavery and human trafficking, we have the opportunity to help end this horrific practice and save lives. 


To support Flight Attendants in identifying potential human trafficking in commercial aviation, the Blue Lightning Initiative (BLI) provides support and training. The BLI training illustrates common indicators of trafficking that aviation employees may encounter and how to immediately report suspected trafficking to law enforcement.


We encourage all Flight Attendants to take advantage of the program. Maintaining our awareness and staying informed about human trafficking is the first step in helping to put an end to modern-day slavery and the lives it destroys.