Do you have the G.U.T.S.?
Join us on the picket line Thursday, December 19th, and be among the first to sign up for the G.U.T.S. List.
The G.U.T.S. (Gearing Up to Strike) list is made up of Flight Attendants who commit to be the first called upon in the event of CHAOS™(Create Havoc Around Our System) strikes— our frontline troops.
The G.U.T.S. list is opening on our Day of Action, December 19. Only those on the picket line will be the first to sign the G.U.T.S. list if you so choose. If you’re ready and eager to sign up but can’t make it to the Day of Action because you’re flying, the sign-up will be available systemwide on December 20th.
The G.U.T.S. list is confidential. CHAOS™ is effective through its element of surprise. The G.U.T.S. list is never published because it would give management a leg up in trying to determine where we might strike first.
What does it mean to be on the G.U.T.S. list? We need these volunteers so that we can effectively target strikes and ensure maximum impact on the company. These volunteers will be the leaders of this effort, either striking the first targeted flights or acting as leaders when more and more flights are struck. Until the company agrees to a contract we can accept, CHAOS™ will continue to spread. We have said we might strike the whole system for half an hour, or a day, or a week. So, everyone needs to be ready to strike when called upon. We will use the G.U.T.S. list for strategic and tactical targeting of flights, but no one is exempt once the strikes begin.
We will only conduct a legal CHAOS™ strike, and while we are not at that point yet, we need to be fully prepared. Our action together in demonstrating we are ready to do whatever it takes is all part of building pressure on management to get the Contract we’ve earned. Our CHAOS™ campaign includes a lot of creative tactics, fully vetted by AFA Legal, that demonstrate the power of our solidarity and our ability to act as one.
To move these negotiations forward, management needs to pull concessionary proposals from the table and focus on resolving the quality of life and economic improvements United Flight Attendants deserve and need.
Important actions to take together right now:
We showed up with our 99.99% strike authorization vote! WE are United, and we undoubtedly have the G.U.T.S. to stick together to get the Contract we’ve earned. See you on the picket line Thursday, December 19th!
In Solidarity,
Your Negotiating Committee
Ken Diaz, MEC President
Melinda Beal, Council 63 President
Chris Bruton, Council 9 President
Randy Hatfield, Council 22 President