Two new rolling Sick Codes have been developed to help ensure that the pay for Occupational Sick and Workman’s Compensation is drawn properly from the Occupational Sick leave bank.
One United, October 2, 2019
Two new rolling Sick Codes have been developed to help ensure that the pay for Occupational Sick and Workman’s Compensation is drawn properly from the Occupational Sick leave bank. This change will become effective on October 3, 2019.
For Lineholders, the rolling sick code will be CWK. For Reserves the rolling sick code will be RSW. The originating absence codes that will be affected are shown below.

The Sick Leave Guide has been updated to include these new codes and is found on Flying Together.
Additional Enhancements for CCS
There are some additional enhancements to the Electronic Bulletin Board and Reserve sections in CCS. There are six changes that will become effective on October 9 at 2200 CT. A separate guide has been created that explains these changes in detail and can be found on our website, and on Flying Together.