
New Year Message

Written by Admin | Dec 31, 2022 6:00:00 AM
We join the entire United Master Executive Council and all those with whom we work daily to express our best wishes to each of you for a safe and enjoyable celebration as we ring in the New Year. We welcome the challenges ahead in 2023 and know that we are at our best when we stand together. Wherever in the world you find yourself, we wish you and yours a very safe and Happy New Year.















December 31, 2022

As we bid adieu to 2022 and welcome the New Year, we also gain the benefit of the perspective of looking back over the past year. This view adds clarity to not only the values of our profession but to all we have accomplished, not only for our collective, but for each other as well.

Our value system is securely rooted in safety and in our Unionism. We promote these values not only through the contributions we make to our profession but also through our many forms of advocacy.

Be it the work we do at either the Local Council or MEC level of our Union, through our commitment to advocacy on Capitol Hill, as AFA-CWA Flight Attendants or in our ongoing efforts to defend the protections included in the Contracts for which we have successfully bargained, we consistently prove that we are leaders in our profession, and we are proud of these accomplishments.

Most importantly, all that each one of us does, either individually or through our contributions to our collective efforts, what we do matters. None of what we do would be possible without each of you. At this time of year, our unique look-back perspective emphasizes the importance of recognizing our accomplishments with gratitude and expressing our appreciation to all of our Members and, in particular, the many volunteers whose efforts make our Union work.

We join the entire United Master Executive Council and all those with whom we work daily to express our best wishes to each of you for a safe and enjoyable celebration as we ring in the New Year. We welcome the challenges ahead in 2023 and know that we are at our best when we stand together. Wherever in the world you find yourself, we wish you and yours a very safe and Happy New Year.

In Solidarity,

Ken, Adam and Jeff

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