
No Knifes Ever Again. "It's in the Bill"

Written by Admin | Sep 29, 2018 5:00:00 AM
September 27, 2018 — In addition to 10 Hours Minimum Rest, there are many AFA safety, health, and security priorities in the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. And here's another BIG one:

September 27, 2018 — In addition to 10 Hours Minimum Rest, there are many AFA safety, health, and security priorities in the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. And here's another BIG one:

The Bill includes a provision to make it LAW that knives are never again allowed on our planes. TSA could never again change policy once the bill is passed. We ran an extraordinary campaign five years ago to beat back an attempt to allow knives on planes. We won in 90 days time with an extraordinary coalition and champions in Congress. Within 48 hours, then Representative Ed Markey led the charge in Congress and even after our win he kept up the fight with us then introducing legislation in the Senate when he became a Senator later that year. Senator Markey kept up the fight to ensure this language would be included in the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018.

Last night, the House voted to approve the bill with a vote of 398-23. Now, the Senate needs to vote and send the bill to the President's desk for signing before the September 30, 2018 deadline.

CALL your two Senators at 855-534-1774 to say:

"I am a Flight Attendant and a constituent. I strongly support the FAA bill that includes 10 hours minimum rest for Flight Attendants among other important safety initiatives. I am calling to ask my Senator to vote for the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. Thank you."

Call your Senators now at 855-534-1774.

Summary of AFA Safety Initiatives included in the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 is available on our website