
Occupational Injuries/Illnesses Impact on Attendance Points

Written by Admin | Apr 30, 2019 5:00:00 AM
Flight Attendants are once again reporting confusion regarding the impact that occupational Injuries/Illnesses have on attendance points.

MEC Communications Committee

Flight Attendants are once again reporting confusion regarding the impact that occupational Injuries/Illnesses have on attendance points. 

Therefore, in an effort to mitigate the continued confusion Flight Attendants are reminded that an absence that resulted from an occupational injury or illness occurrences, with the exception of those outlined in Section 13.B.3. of our JCBA, will generate points, but WILL NOT trigger new or escalate discipline. It is important for Flight Attendants to understand the attendance process’ therefore we encourage everyone to review the example chart provided below. 



Point Assessment


Absent Ill Non-Occupational (no physicians’ note)



Missed Trip



Absent Ill Occupational (more than 6 calendar days)



Total Points as of 8/12/19



Late check-in



Total points as of 11/03/19


To clarify,the assessment of points is not discipline. Points accumulate for occurrences.

*It should be noted, the escalation to seven (7) points does not trigger or escalate discipline because the last two (2) points resulted from an occupational injury/illness. In referencing the chart below you will notice that the Late check-in occurring on 11/03/19 was the trigger to the Level of Discipline. 

NOTE:Section 13.B.3. provides that points will not be assessed for any absence that is a result of a Flight Attendant’s injury on the aircraft caused by verified/unannounced clear air turbulence or sudden aircraft movement, passenger assault, emergency evacuation, aircraft accidents, hijacking or sabotage.

For additional information concerning attendance points. Flight Attendants are encouraged to utilize the Dispute Resolution, Attendance and Performance Management Flight Attendant Guide.