
One Year Seniority Pay Addition

Written by Admin | Oct 30, 2020 5:00:00 AM
United payroll has identified an issue for those Flight Attendants having one year of service and who have a two-week furlough pay entitlement while on involuntary furlough. 

United payroll has identified an issue for those Flight Attendants having one year of service and who have a two-week furlough pay entitlement while on involuntary furlough.  There was an improper calculation that was made for this group of Flight Attendants whereby their two-week entitlement was inadvertently split into two payments.  

Payroll is aware of the issue and has issued an additional off-cycle paycheck for the second week of furlough pay, and the full amount of pay will be available to these 1,809 Flight Attendants on October 30, 2020, consistent with the terms of our Contract.