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Our Mission – A PSP Extension

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We have a mission.  It’s singularly focused and it will require our collective commitment.  Our goal - to #ExtendPSP through September 30, 2021. As we learned from the lessons of last year, it’s not over until it’s law. Keeping up our calls and letters to Congress is the key to our success! 

We have a mission.  It’s singularly focused and it will require our collective commitment.  Our goal - to #ExtendPSP through September 30, 2021. As we learned from the lessons of last year, it’s not over until it’s law. Keeping up our calls and letters to Congress is the key to our success! 

TAKE ACTION: Call, Write Congress
SENATE: 888-848-4824
HOUSE: 888-907-9365

"Hello, I am a constituent calling to ask [Representative] /[Senator] to help save my job as an essential worker. Pass COVID Relief and extend the Payroll Support Program for essential aviation workers through September 2021. Keep us connected to our jobs, our paychecks, and our healthcare. Thank you for your urgent attention to this."


Write Congress to #ExtendPSP >


p.s.:  Aviation is critical for vaccine distribution, and the people on the frontlines of aviation should be prioritized for the vaccine to assist in public health efforts. 

Write a letter to your governor and ask that Flight Attendants be included in Tier 1b >


Make an impact: PSP - We have a mission.  It will require our collective commitment and each of us is being asked to do our part to #ExtendPSP  through September 2021.   We want Congress to understand why an extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) is so vitally important to each of us, our airline and our success.

To this end, take a picture of yourself, preferably in uniform illustrating how you are helping to support our collective efforts to obtain an extension to the PSP.  It can be a picture of you on the phone making your call to Congress, it can be you with your family members, showing what is at stake, or it can be an image of our collective, that is, with you standing together with our Customer Service and Pilot colleagues.  Include a one paragraph statement that states why an extension to the PSP is a priority for you or how you recruited others to make calls on our behalf. Find more information here >