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Viral Vigilance

Jul 16, 2021
Jul 16 - As hopeful as we all have been that the impact of the COVID-19 virus is behind us, you’ve likely seen the news ...
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Emailing your Bid Card

Jul 13, 2021
Jul 13 - When placing your bid on file it is a good practice to also email yourself a copy of your bids. This gives you ...
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Base Transfer Guidelines

Jul 09, 2021
Recently, the company has awarded over 200 Flight Attendant transfers to DEN, EWR, and HNL. Flight Attendants are remind...
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CQ Due Month Imbalance

Jul 09, 2021
Jul 9 - The recent return of over 9,000 of our flying partners who successfully completed their qualification training(s...
Grievance, General
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