
Passenger Consumption of Personal Alcohol while on the Aircraft is Prohibited

Written by Admin | Aug 6, 2020 5:00:00 AM
Information on passenger consumption of personal alcohol on board United Airlines flights.

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the company to reconsider the services provided on the aircraft as a means of minimizing the touch points between Flight Attendants and passengers.  These health precautions have curtailed several service options on many of our flights, including the offering of a variety of choices in alcoholic beverage options. With this reduction in service some passengers have developed a misunderstanding that, in place of what is offered for sale onboard, they can simply “bring their own supply onboard.”  In fact, this is not permitted. Passengers cannot, under any circumstances, consume their personal alcohol on board United Airlines flights. Our passengers can only drink alcohol that a working Flight Attendant has served to them.

In an instance where you are confronted with passenger(s) consuming their own personal alcohol, first inform them of the policy and ask them to refrain from doing so. If they continue, report the incident to the Purser, who will inform the Captain and will act accordingly and file the IOR.

Additionally, alcohol purchased form Duty Free must remained sealed and stowed.