MEC Safety, Health & Security Committee
As Flight Attendants, our primary objectives and training pertain to the safety and security of our passengers and crew members onboard our aircraft. No matter the type of incident we may encounter on our flights, being knowledgeable and prepared in advance enables us to have self-confidence and efficiency in how we handle the situation.
There is specific threat level guidance in the eFAOM as it relates to harassment or sexual assault onboard an aircraft. The appropriate threat level should be used and the level is not dependent upon the victim’s desire to press charges against any accused assailant. Please ensure if you encounter a sexual assault event that you are reviewing and following the guidance provided to respond and advocate appropriately. The Pilots FOM and Flight Attendant eFAOM are aligned on this process; ensuring consistency when responding to these types of events. As always, it’s a good idea to know the process before one needs to apply it.