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Professional Courtesy – Let’s Make Their Day!

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In recent months, there has been an increase in the number of Flight Attendants contacting AFA Professional Standards to seek assistance in addressing how inbound crews are leaving aircraft galleys for outbound crews at non-hub stations, in other words, through galleys.

MEC Employee Assistance Program/ Professional Standards Committee 

In recent months, there has been an increase in the number of Flight Attendants contacting AFA Professional Standards to seek assistance in addressing how inbound crews are leaving aircraft galleys for outbound crews at non-hub stations, in other words, through galleys.

We’re all clear that company policy requires the inbound crew to restock beverage carts prior to arrival into non-hub locations.  Galley supplies are to be returned to their proper storage/provisioning location because it ensures that those who take the aircraft after us can find what they need to take care of the passengers they will carry to the next destination of the aircraft.  As a matter of professional courtesy, these practices provide a more consistent work environment for all of us.   Making this commitment demonstrates the respect we have for our fellow Flying Partners. It’s a simple matter of treating each other and our workspace in a way the we’d like to be treated ourselves. 

We’re not here to promote company policy.  However, we must acknowledge that policies out into place by management become an expectation of those who follow us.  It is about being aware and recognizing that our actions or inaction affects our colleagues. Professional courtesy both on and off the aircraft goes a long way and can have a major impact on the flight experience of the crew that follows us.  Through these simple acts of consideration, we can essentially “make their day.”

We commend Flight Attendants utilizing AFA EAP/Professional Standards rather than going to management. The Professional Standards component of AFA EAP exists to assist Flight Attendants in any area that affects professional conduct. It is important for everyone to take responsibility for creating a cooperative, respectful and tolerant work environment for everyone.