
Protecting Probationary Flight Attendants – Recall in Lieu of Separation

Written by Admin | Mar 24, 2020 5:00:00 AM
While we are working hard to protect all Members, we have reached agreement for protections and benefits that exceed our Contract to protect those Flight Attendants who are currently on probation in the event the company determines it is necessary to reduce personnel beyond those levels reached through the Special COLAs.

While we are working hard to protect all Members, we have reached agreement for protections and benefits that exceed our Contract to protect those Flight Attendants who are currently on probation in the event the company determines it is necessary to reduce personnel beyond those levels reached through the Special COLAs.

While the Company has not released any probationary Flight Attendants, in the event management seeks to reduce headcount by releasing the probationary Flight Attendants they have protections as a result of this Letter of Agreement.

This agreement will provide recall rights to probationary Flight Attendants who are placed on ‘involuntary furlough in lieu of termination’ status. In absence of the agreement, the company was able to simply release probationary Flight Attendants from employment with no recall rights or benefits at all.

This Letter of Agreement also provides for:

  • 90 days of online pass travel benefits for any probationary Flight Attendant placed on this status
  • The Company will not contest unemployment benefits
  • All accrued seniority will be protected. However, you will not continue to accrue seniority.

For complete details please refer to the Letter of Agreement.