
Reassignments at the Home Domicile

Written by Admin | Dec 28, 2018 6:00:00 AM
While have previously communicated via our bi-weekly E-lines information on the reassignment process, there continues to be some confusion as to the reassignment process when a Flight Attendant’s trip cancels or there is a loss of flight time. 

JCBA Section 7.Q.1

While previously communicated via our bi-weekly E-lines information on the reassignment process, there continues to be some confusion as to the reassignment process when a Flight Attendant’s trip cancels or there is a loss of flight time. There are a number of circumstances which can cause us to lose all or part of our pairing, with one of the most prevalent reasons related to weather. Flight Attendants should be aware that all reassignments are to be addressed consistent with the terms of the scheduling provisions of the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA). How reassignments are handled depends on when the Flight Attendant is notified according to the following:

A.   Before leaving the base, notice on same calendar day as departure

B.   Before leaving the base, notice of one or more calendar days

C.   Reassignments which occur after leaving the base. 

Today we will review how reassignments before leaving the home domicile are to be addressed as provided for under Section 7.Q.1. of the Contract.


If a lineholder’s pairing or any portion of the pairing cancels at the Flight Attendant’s base on the same calendar day of departure, she/he must immediately contact Crew Scheduling. 

Within four (4) hours of being notified of the loss of any part of her/his pairing, she/he may utilize any of the following options: 

1.  With the concurrence of the company, she/he may be relieved of all assignment responsibility with no loss or pay, otherwise known as being “Released with pay.” 

2.   The Flight Attendant may be given a replacement pairing.  (Upon request, a Flight Attendant will be provided a hotel room at her/his base for reassignments departing the next day.)

3.   If the company has not reassigned the Flight Attendant by the end of the four (4) hour window, the Flight Attendant is released with pay. 


If a Severe Weather Action Plan (SWAP) is in effect, the company may have the following additional options:

a)    Provide a replacement pairing up to four (4) hours past the time the original pairing was scheduled to depart, or

b)    Provide a replacement pairing at the time of notifying the Flight Attendant or 5h3 loss or her/his pairing, or

c)     Provide a replacement pairing within two (2) hours of notifying the Flight Attendant of the loss of her/his pairing. 

A Flight Attendant who is required to remain available for assignment pursuant to paragraph 7.Q.2.c. more than four (4) hours past the time of the original pairing was scheduled to depart shall receive an additional four (4) hours, pay and credit.

Reserve Reassignments:

A  Reserve who arrives at her/his base for their originally scheduled pairing only to learn the pairing has been cancelled may be reassigned as follows:

A.   To another pairing that is within her/his legal duty (day) parameters, or

B.   To airport standby with the start time of the On Standby period beginning at her/his originally scheduled check-in time, or

C.   Released with two (2) hours of Call Out pay.

If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council Representatives.