
Remembering Our Heroes

Written by Admin | Sep 11, 2020 5:00:00 AM
Nineteen years after the unimaginably terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 many of us still feel the heart wrenching loss.We lost family, friends, flying partners.  We will never forget.

Nineteen years after the unimaginably terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 many of us still feel the heart wrenching loss.


We lost family, friends, flying partners.  We will never forget.


September 11, 2001 was a beautiful sunny day that started like any other day, but by mid-morning was changed in ways unimaginable by the world’s most inconceivable terrorist attacks in history and was changed forever into a day the world will never forget.  For those of us in the airline industry, it became a day that will forever hold a special, very personal meaning.


Twenty-five Flight Attendants, eight pilots and three Customer Service Agents were among the thousands who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. And while there were countless heroes that somber day, for us, it is the bravery and heroism of our cherished United Flight Attendants that remains prominent in our hearts and minds. 


Today we bow our heads as we honor their memory and continue our commitment to Always Remember and Never Forget aviation’s first responders who lost their lives that fateful day in history. 

Remembering Our Heroes


United Airlines Flight 175


Robert J. Fangman

Amy N. Jarret

Amy R. King

Kathryn LaBorie

Alfred G. Marchand

Michael C. Tarrou

Alicia N. Titus

Captain: Victor Saracini

FirstOfficer: Michael Horrocks

Customer Service Representatives:

Marianne MacFarlane

Jesus Sanchez

United Airlines Flight 93


Lorraine G. Bay

Sandra Bradshaw

Wanda A. Green

CeeCee Lyles

Deborah Welsh

Captain: Jason Dahl

First Officer: Leroy Homer


American Airlines Flight 11


Barbara Arestegui

Jeffrey Collman

Sara Low

Karen Martin

Kathleen Nicosia

Betty Ong

Jean Roger

Madeline Sweeney

Dianne Snyder

Captain: John Ogonowski

First Officer: Thomas McGuinness

Customer Service Representative: Renee Newell

American Airlines Flight 77


Michele Heidenberger

Jennifer Lewis

Kenneth Lewis

Renee May

Captain: Charles Burlingame

First Officer: David Charlebo