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Reminder: COVID-19 Pandemic Temporary Commuter Program Cancelled

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Jul 13 - The temporary requirement for Flight Attendants be listed on one (1) flight is no longer permissible and a requirement to be listed for a secondary flight will again be required starting July 15, 2021.  No other provisions of Section 28 were modified.

As Flight Attendants, we know the importance of the flexibility provided to us in our Contract. Section 28 of our JCBA provides for protections for commuting to work, allowing us to live where we choose while being able to fly out of the base of our choice.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic commuting by air became increasingly difficult given the reduction of flights. In partnership with management, AFA negotiated a reduction in the required number of flights for commuting via air from two (2) flights to (1) in the hopes of easing the strain on commuters and giving them much needed support during such a volatile time in our industry.

As our industry continues to move toward recovery, United has opted to discontinue the temporary modification to the Commuter Program. Consistent with the terms of the Letter of Agreement, United management provided the Union with the necessary 30-day notice of cancellation.

Effective July 15, 2021, the provisions of Section 28.B.4.b.:

The temporary requirement for Flight Attendants be listed on one (1) flight is no longer permissible and a requirement to be listed for a secondary flight will again be required starting July 15, 2021.  No other provisions of Section 28 were modified.

Members are encouraged to keep track of travel records, including PNRs, in the event they have trouble commuting to ensure they have the necessary information to avail themselves of the protections offered by the Commuter Program provisions.