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Reminder: Missing or Stolen Badge Protocol

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DEC 21 - This past February (2020) United updated their protocol for working Flight Attendants in cases where their crew badge is lost, stolen or otherwise unavailable. The updated policy better aligns with TSA and other international requirements

This past February (2020) United updated their protocol for working Flight Attendants in cases where their crew badge is lost, stolen or otherwise unavailable. The updated policy better aligns with TSA and other international requirements.


In Inflight P&P (Policies and Procedures) the following steps are outlined.


Badge is unavailable at the start of the trip pairing:

  • As soon as you are aware your badge is missing prior to the start of a trip, contact the base to alert them of the missing badge.
  • If the base is closed, call the Inflight Duty Manager (IFDM) at 1-800-FLT-LINE, option 8 (domestic or international), or direct in the U.S. at 1-847-700-4174. The IFDM is available 24 hours/7 days a week

Badge is unavailable downline:

  • Contact the IFDM soon as possible for next steps.
  • Notify the purser and captain as soon as possible.
  • Depending on location and circumstances, you may, or may not be able to continue on your next flight as a working crewmember.
  • The IFDM will work with the local station to try to get you cleared as a working crewmember and tell you what procedures to follow to continue on the next flight(s).
  • Once your status is confirmed (working or deadheading), the IFDM will coordinate with Crew Scheduling to return you to your domicile on the next available flight(s).
  • In all cases of downline lost, stolen or unavailable (includes severely damaged) ID, whether you are working or deadheading, you will be replaced at the first available station and removed from the remainder of your trip. You must then follow up with your supervisor to obtain a replacement badge.

The existing policy is a change from how missing, stolen of unavailable badges were handled in the past removing the option for temporary gate passes to clear security. While this change was implemented almost a year ago for many Members the policy is unknown as it was implemented during the furlough period amid the pandemic.

When your crew badge is nearing its expiration (the last day of the calendar month printed on the badge) please be proactive in securing its replacement. If your new badge is not available, contact your supervisor for their support to document the issue as it moves forward.

In closing we would like to remind everyone that a current badge is needed to utilize the jumpseat.