
Required COVID-19 Testing Compensation and Flight Cancellations

Written by Admin | Sep 8, 2021 5:00:00 AM
When a situation arises causing the trip requiring pre-departure testing to be cancelled leading to reassignment or when drafting occurs, any completed testing compensation will still be paid.

Flight Attendants with assignments to certain international destinations may be required to submit to COVID-19 pre-departure testing. Associated with this testing requirement is additional pay, which is intended to recognize this supplemental requirement and the associated early report time needed to complete the testing procedures.


When a situation arises causing the trip requiring pre-departure testing to be cancelled leading to reassignment or when drafting occurs, any completed testing compensation will still be paid.


Because so many of the pay components for which we receive compensation are applied automatically to our Pay Registers, we have come to expect to see these components posted almost instantaneously. For COVID-19 pre-departure testing pay, this is not the case.  However, there is no need to submit a Help Hub case right after you finish your trip in requesting this pre-departure testing pay.  Depending on the timing of when you are tested, you may see the pay closer to the date the report listing those eligible for the pay is sent to Crew Pay, but you will typically see it posted within the week. 


If, however, your pre-departure pay for the prior month does not appear before pay close (4th business day of the following month), you should reach out to Crew Pay via Help Hub (Service Request, Pay Register/Payable Hours Inquiry), to resolve the missing pay component to ensure the pay is included in your paycheck.