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Reserve – It’s a Way of Life

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Whenever we have new-hire Flight Attendants joining our Union family, accompanying their addition is significant change. New faces. For some of us, new bases. And yet for others, there are changes from having been consistently on Reserve to the new status of a lineholder.

For our newest Members, Reserve is new and different. While it can be exciting to have the opportunity to fly to places we might not otherwise have held as a lineholder, depending on our experience and/or expectations, it can also be tiring. Regardless of how you look at it, Reserve is undeniably a way of life that requires significant adjustment. And for those recently introduced to this new way of live, it is important to know where to get accurate and factual information on all aspects of the Reserve process.

For those on Reserve, knowledge is power. Knowing your rights under the Contract can make a significant difference in your experience while on Reserve. To that end, our Union over the years has developed a set tools designed to make finding information about Reserve easier for you by creating a consolidated source of information we refer to as the Reserve Survival Guide. In this resource, contractual provisions are clarified, Reserve assignment procedures are explained, and issues such as trading, pay and Reserve availability responsibilities are discussed in detail.

While our efforts are all focused on making Reserve understandable and legalities as clear as possible, it can at times be confusing not only for us, but also for new Crew Scheduling personnel. All of this has the potential to create additional confusion especially in an environment where there are situations that present operational challenges for the airline. Sometimes mistakes in the assignment process can happen. It is for this reason that each of our Local Councils have Reserve Committees – a dedicated group of volunteers who have dedicated their time and talents to knowing and understanding the Reserve provisions of our Contract. We encourage you to make use of these resources to your advantage.

For our newest Members, in the event there is a situation where there is confusion or disagreement about a Reserve assignment and you are unable to reach Local Council Reserve support to obtain clarification, you are always encouraged to complete any assignment you are given. We can work out any problems or misunderstanding once you are at your next point of layover or when you are back to your base.

Always obtain the following information:

Scheduler’s Name


Date of Call


Time of Call


Pairing Information


Contract Section on which

reassignment is based


Other information


Always document this information while it is fresh on your mind. Contact your Local Council Office in your return to base to follow-up. Each of us shares the responsibility of enforcing the Contract under which we work and our Union is here to support you in that endeavor.