
Reserve Vacation and Sacred Days

Written by Admin | Dec 20, 2022 6:00:00 AM
DEC 20 - Section 12.C.4. establishes that the days off immediately preceding and following a scheduled vacation period, as shown in a Flight Attendant’s schedule, shall be considered as part of that vacation period.

Section 12.C.4. establishes that the days off immediately preceding and following a scheduled vacation period, as shown in a Flight Attendant’s schedule, shall be considered as part of that vacation period.


When seeking to maximize time off during our awarded vacation months, we do have provisions in our Contract which restrict management from assigning us into the days off that immediately precede or follow our scheduled vacation, unless mutually agreed upon.


Reserves who are moved up into a line of flying have sacred day protection as well, however, it applies a bit differently.  When Reserve Move-up lines are built, vacation and any protected days designated by the Flight Attendant will be placed in the line. Trips will be filled in to complete the line. It is important to understand that during the construction of Reserve move-up lines, any days off preceding or following the vacation days that were in the original Reserve line and that might have been considered sacred as part of the Reserve schedule, are not considered sacred days for the purpose of building the Reserve Move-up line. 


However, once the Reserve Move-up line is completed, any days off in the completed Reserve Move-up line preceding or following the vacation are then considered as sacred days.


If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council Reserve Committee.