
Reserves Availability Report in CCS

Written by Admin | Jun 8, 2019 5:00:00 AM
Since the enhancements to the Reserve Availability screen were made in CCS last month, we have received a number of questions regarding the date and time information that is listed for each Flight Attendant in the “Avail. Date/Time” column

MEC Reserve Committee

Since the enhancements to the Reserve Availability screen were made in CCS last month, we have received a number of questions regarding the date and time information that is listed for each Flight Attendant in the “Avail. Date/Time” column.  These questions seem to be more pronounced especially as it applies to those Flight Attendants coming from days off. 

Two significant changes have occurred since our JCBA was implemented on October 1, 2018. One of these changes occurred at implementation and the other, more recently, with the enhancements to the Reserve Availability screen.

First, JCBA Section 8.H.4.requires Reserves be available for call at 0001 and shall be required to report for duty at 0400 or later, local domicile time, on the day following days off, vacation, personal drop, Union business, Death in family (DIF) or Day at a Time Vacation (DATV). This requirement, which is new for everyone, became effective upon implementation.

Next, the most recent enhancementsto the Reserve Availability screen addressed a limitation that existed in CCS when displaying the date and time at which a Reserve actually became available to report.

What does the date and time recorded in the “Avail. Date/Time” column represent?


The date and time recorded under the "Avail. Date/Time"column on the Reserve Availability screen is the date and time that the Flight Attendant is next available for "duty"or to check-in for her/his next assignment.  It is not necessarily the time at which the Flight Attendant is available to be "called" although the times may, in certain circumstances, coincide.


Based on the requirements of JCBA Section 8.H.4., what time should I expect to see here moving forward?

  • When coming from days off (VAC, PD, UNBS, DIF, DATV, etc.): The Flight Attendant’s available time on the Availability screen will be 0400

  • When coming from a previous trip or other assignment:  The Flight Attendant’s available time on the Availability screen will be the time that the legal rest period concludes.

What was the previous limitation in CCS & COSMOS?


Prior to implementing the most recent enhancements to the Reserve Availability List, in CCS (and COSMOS), a Flight Attendant’s available date and time was programmatically reset to 0001 at the end of each day of availability, regardless of the Flight Attendant's actual availability. 


For reasons that are obvious, this gave Flight Attendants an incorrect representation of when they could be assigned to a check-in.


How did the enhancements to the Reserve Availability screen correct the previous limitations?


The available date and time displayed now reflects the actual date and time the Flight Attendant is available to check-in and only updates once she/he is next assigned or returns from days off.


If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council.